Season 3, Episode 1
Welcome to #AskJP!
The RETURN OF THE PODCAST! This is the 1st Episode of our Third Season! We are back from a LENGTHY hiatus! In our first podcasts since the election we're undergoing some massive changes. 1) I have a co-host! Monet Brignac-Sullivan joins as a co-host to help make sense of this brave new world! 2) We are answering listener questions! As we re-establish the podcast and format, we decided to crowdsource the questions for this episode. 3) The website has been updated! Look for more updates as we go forward! All in all, thanks for returning to join us on this journey!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/76ZGuT4...
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0...

Season 2, Episode 5
Welcome to #AskJP!
This is the 5th Episode of our Second Season! In this episode we will be discussing the history, and future, of the Claiborne Overpass/Expressway with Amy Stelly, the Founder of the Claiborne Avenue Alliance. In this episode we cover ALOT of ground. We talk about the history of Treme and Claiborne Avenue. We go into the origins of the Claiborne Expressway, in particular how the Federal Highway Act of 1956 and redlining led worked in concert to devastate black communities around the country. We close by discussing the future of Claiborne Avenue after the current Biden Infrastructure was passed and what the possible paths are forward.
The website for the Claiborne Avenue Alliance is https://www.claiborneavenuealliance.com/ and Amy Stelly can be found on Twitter at @amyfstelly

Season 2, Episode 4
Welcome to #AskJP! (#Uncut with #Bloopers!)* This is the 4th Episode of our Second Season! In this episode we will be discussing the status of inclusive transportation (differently abled and ADA compliance) regarding the RTA, TNCs (Lyft and Uber) and Cabs.
We also dig into issues throughout city with ADA access challenges. Our guest is Mark Raymond, Jr., Founder of the Split-Second Foundation (https://www.splitsecondfoundation.org/) and a Vice-Chairman of the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of New Orleans.
*(We had some minor technical issues this episode. The in-person camera split screen started on the wrong side and the green screen slipped a few times. I chalk it up to all three kids being home, but my fumbles will add to your enjoyment of the episode!)

Season 2, Episode 3
Welcome to #AskJP!
This is the 3rd Episode of our Second Season! In this episode we will be discussing the possibility of legalizing weed in Louisiana and the ongoing decriminalization of marijuana throughout the state.
Our guest is State Representative Richard Nelson. He is the author of HB524 (Which provides for the decriminalization of marijuana and regulation of marijuana for recreational use) and HB434/HB440 (that provide taxes and fees for cannabis)
This ended up being a fun interview where we discussed Richard's background, shared some war stories about fighting over Marijuana with the Sheriff's association and the fate of Bipartisanship in the legislature.
His social media game needs help, so please follow him at nelsonforla across all platforms (seriously, guy needs help).

Season 2, Episode 2
Welcome to #AskJP!
This is the 2nd Episode of our Second Season!
In this episode we will be discussing the epidemic of Sexual Assault on College Campuses and the status of Sexual Assault Services across our state.
Our guest is Morgan Lamandre with Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (S.T.A.R.). We had wide ranging conversation regarding the origins of S.T.A.R., Sexual Assault on College Campuses as well as Sexual Assault services in New Orleans!
Please take a moment and check out S.T.A.R.'s website at https://star.ngo/ Also, give them a follow at @staradvocates

Season 2, Episode 1
Welcome to #AskJP!
This is the 1st (real) Episode of our Second Season! In this episode we will be discussing Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #1 and why you should bother to sift through all the Presidential, Congressional and Judicial races to vote on it.
Our guest is Michelle Erenberg with Lift Louisiana, and we had a robust discussion about Amendment 1 as well as the State of Women's Rights in Louisiana.
Please take a moment and check out Lift Louisiana's website at www.liftlouisiana.org to see additional information about Amendment 1 as well as ways you can support this great organization's work.

Introduction to the AskJP CJR Series by the host, JP Morrell

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: The District Attorney

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Magistrate Court

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Criminal District Court, Section K

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Criminal District Court, Section D

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Criminal District Court, Section E

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Criminal District Court, Section L

The AskJP Criminal Justice Reform Series: Criminal District Court, Section G